In the search of the Fairy Land - is the first book of the series “Sunny Valley Tales”. Here, dear reader, you will be warmly introduced to two dear friends: Foppik and Kirusha. You will enter into their neighborhood, their interests and curiosity. In this tale, together with Foppik and Kirusha, you will search for the beautiful fairy land.

Foppik and Kirusha go sledging – is a second tale of the “Sunny Valley Tales”. In this tale, dear reader, together with Foppik,you will be visited by the dearest friend. Who this visitor could be? Dearreader, let me keep this in the secrecy. Seating cosily with them and drinkingherbal tea with the crunchy biscuits, you will enjoy the conversation and soonjoin them for Adventure …

Foppik has a Birthday – my dearest readers, allow me to present you a third book from the series of "Sunny Valley Tales". This ferry tale brings you to Foppik's house and opens up a remarkable day - all due to special and suprising visitors ...

This story unveils to the reader a wonderful and kind little mouse Foppik and his friends, who discover for themselves that someone can truly fly.

Dear reader, this is the 5th book from the Sunny Valley Tales! Here you will have an adventurous journey to Mr. Winston (uncle of Foppik) and get to know the sparrow family, lizard, marmot, cockchafer, crab and the fish. All of this is wonderfully illustrated.